
“Experiences: Asian Women in Global Culture”. A collection of stories or experiences with or as Asian women living in Asia or anywhere in the world.

Incheon Women Artists’ Biennale has sought to build networks of women artists, curators, museum personnel, academics and other intellectuals from all corners of the world. This year IWAB expanded its boundaries to a book project.

Cultural theorists have discussed the status of Asian women in a globalized world, as victims or as the under represented in the globalization process. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak emphasizes the importance of women‘s roles in an abusive global world while Arjun Appadurai focuses on Asian women being voluntarily and involuntarily traded within the globalization process. Most of these arguments evolve around the context of the victims or the unprivileged woman.

IWAB asked for stories or experiences with or as Asian women living in Asia or anywhere in the world. The narratives as a woman/artist/professional/student were collected and published in the book Experiences: Asian Women in Global Culture.

Published by Incheon Women Artists’ Biennale Organizing Committee.