/BF Publications, Event, News

Symposium “Glocal Affairs: art biennials in context”.

International Symposium

“Glocal Affairs: art biennials in context”

April 27, 2015
University of Graz

Organized by the University of Graz in cooperation with FWF Austrian Science Fund Waltraud M. Bayer, PD Dr., Department of History Sabine Flach, Univ.-Prof. Dr., Department of Art History

The program included lectures by renowned experts on the documenta in Kassel, the European Biennial Manifesta, Global Studies at the ZKM Karlsruhe, the Moscow Art Biennial and Biennale appearances from the Caucasus and Central Asia, including in the context of the Venice Biennale.

Program and abstracts: glocal_affairs .

Image: Speakers/Participants of the Symposium. Courtesy Uni Graz.