Sequences open call

Sequences open call for curator

Sequences real-time art festival seeks a curator or curatorial team for its eleventh international art biennale to be held in Reykjavík, Iceland, in the autumn of 2023. The new curator/curatorial team will determine the content of the festival, and work closely with the manager of the festival to produce a 10-day program of exhibitions and events.
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Lagos Biennial Open Call

Lagos Biennial Open Call

For its 3rd edition, the Lagos Biennial invites submissions from teams – including curators, artists, collectives, designers and architects – that speak to the institution of the nation state and the concept of refuge.
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Driving the Human

Driving the Human – Open Call for proposals

From February 10 to April 9, 2021, Driving the Human invites designers, artists, scientists, initiatives, and agents from any fields of expertise from anywhere in the world, to join the project in shaping sustainable and collective futures that combine science, technology, and the arts in a transdisciplinary and collaborative approach.
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Bangkok Biennial 2020

Bangkok Biennial 2020 Open Call for Pavilions

The Bangkok Biennial 2020 will take place from October to December, 2020. It will maintain the open source structure with no central curator or dictation. The organizers believe that this reflects and echoes the mood and general exasperation in regard to power mongering in every sphere of top-down dictatorial structures seen in contemporary Thailand, the region and perhaps the entire world at this moment.
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